Boyer Paragraphs: Classes & Learning Objectives, Faculty Questions 10/25/21

Class-Related Paragraphs

Throughout Boyers’ article and the required core curriculum of the Art & Design Media major here at UNE, there are many similarities and differences. One parallel I found had to do with Boyer regarding the fact that professionals in almost every field – after practicing their craft – must be able to answer more specialized questions within the subject. For example, not just the what or how of the field, but also the why. These questions can often be complex but are geared towards those who have practiced their craft. The Studio Concentration Seminar class at UNE helps students focus their style and voice artistically. This allows them to become more aware and get to know themselves and the profession better, answering questions like those said by Boyer. 

One of the main questions asked by Boyer when identifying his “Enriched Major” is regarding how narrow or technical a major is and if it can be utilized in a Liberal Arts or university setting. While there is a solution to this stated later in the article, I feel like the Arts program at UNE helps students find this out on their own. The program here is the opposite of narrow, with junior and senior years giving plenty of time to focus on electives and explore the broad nature of Art & Design Media. This isn’t a specific class but encompasses many offered here, helping students merge technical and creative/ liberal arts learning. This allows for freedom and time to reflect on which branch of the major you want to pursue. 

Interview Questions

  1. How (if it even does this) does the Art & Design Media major balance vocational and liberal arts thinking? 
  1. How does this major enforce future career readiness? (Post College)
  1. What is the ideal – if any – sequencing of the learning objectives mentioned in this major?
  1. Would you say that the “hands-on” or more vocational side of the major is balanced with communication, research, and other skills? What is your personal experience during your education regarding this balance?

Learning Outcome Paragraphs

The first learning objective of the Art & Design Media major regards being able to create work in a hands-on manner and being versed in research, performance, and graphic or symbolic communication. This example fits Boyer’s definition of an enriched major by teaching students many different skills. Because of this split between more critical thinking-related skills and vocational skills, students’ experiences are broadened and healthier overall. This first learning objective fits the balanced piece of Boyer’s example, and truly intertwines the two different learning styles that have been argued over for so long. I believe that this balancing of vocational and liberal learning can help students find future career paths and promote career readiness.

The second learning outcome at hand regards the standards of craftsmanship within the major. This also includes discussion, writing, and critique of creative works. I think that history and tradition – Boyer’s first question of the enriched major – hold a piece of this outcome because history and tradition relate to said discussion in many ways. Ungar sort of agrees with this and aims it in the direction of career readiness because of the respect for classical traditions, the liberal arts can be described as an approach to the preparation of life. Not only can discussion of creative works be related to traditional art history, but according to Ungar, this study can also increase awareness and prepare students for the future.

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