Project Framing Statement

Completing this project in my mind was a tough challenge to take on, but in the end, yielded bountiful results in furthering my career and providing for my portfolio. I originally wanted to play it safe and simply re-do an essay, as a lot of students have done that in the past and it offers a sure-fire way to find a compelling topic for presentation and allows strict guidelines for revision. As an art major, however, I felt the need to do my presentation on a visual design project — but just didn’t know which one to use. At first, I thought about a painting but wasn’t very interested, as I hadn’t painted in a while.

When thinking about my real passions I remembered the class that created my interest in graphic design, and thought that revising an old project in that field could be a good way to not only complete the requirements for the course but also build my portfolio. The intertwining of professional development and required assignments sold me on the idea of focusing on a graphic design project.

I thought, what not better project to talk about UX — the future career I’m pursuing — than to remake a website? This will show the growth I’ve endured throughout my time at school, and bring light to the mysterious field of UX design. I fell in love with the process as soon as I started it but grappled with feelings that my presentation wouldn’t be as profound as others in the class, who were presenting about philosophical topics, society, and personal growth. However, as the semester continued on, my confidence was restored by the constant support from my peers and professor. Overall this project was difficult and definitely a challenge, but showed me a good deal about myself, and my work ethic, and helped me further develop my creative identity.
