2022 Spring Semester Final Reflection

During my first semester working at the SASC DigiSapce wrapping a lot, I wanted to reflect on a bunch of the stuff that’s happened this semester! Throughout the process of training and working independently this semester, I was out of my element at times. However, pushing through the new experience and discomfort ended up creating an amazing experience that I now say I truly enjoyed with confidence. I’m feeling good about all the new skills I learned, whether these be editing tools (Audacity, GIMP, etc.), or simply working with a variety of students to help them with projects. The impact I made on students at SASC is a really fulfilling feeling, and I really have grown to love tutoring in this aspect. For GIMP and image editing software, I would be interested in learning more – if students find it compelling, necessary, and helpful for classes they are taking. I enjoyed the training we received in image-based editing as well as teaching it. Leadership experience was mainly gained through working with students during drop-in hours because that’s when I got the most attention. However, an experience I found extremely important in my training was working with Jordyn and Jen to teach a nursing class ePortfolio earlier on in the semester. This not only helped me talk in front of a group but allowed me to gain experience helping students one on one, therefore aiding the process I would utilize when assisting peers in the future. Personally, I am very proud of the progress my portfolio has made this semester. I started with basically nothing besides some categories and pages from a prior class, as well as a blog. CMM 240 Social Media Theory & Practice really gave me a reason to start using my site more, and I’m so glad I did because I ended up polishing my ePortfolio by the end of the semester! I will definitely be playing around with it in the future, even though I’m content at where it is now. Continuing on the same topic, I am also super lucky and happy to have worked with Jen this semester to create a tour of my site and dive into my blog process from the perspective of a viewer. While we faced some recording challenges, Jen and I recovered well in my opinion and she ended up creating a polished presentation of my blog. Overall, I’m very proud of the project and how it came out. As of now, I’m not really sure where to go regarding my multimodal badge, as I’m leaving for Morocco (hopefully) next semester to study abroad. In the end, I’ve really enjoyed the entire DigiSpace experience and the connections I have made, the students I have helped, and the work I have created. Thanks for everything and have a wonderful summer!
