
While the website I’m revising is very basic, rudimentary, and bland design-wise, it does hold a special place in my heart. The site was created as a project in the first-ever graphic design class I took. Ironically, this class is the one that made me fall in love with graphic design and pushed me to choose UX and UI design as a career path after school. I had never really worked developing a site or app, and even though my first time it sucked, I really enjoyed the process and have been interested ever since. As well as this project is fulfilling for that reason, it will serve to track my progress and see how far I’ve come as a designer. As well as this, it will help build my portfolio, as I’m planning on designing the revision like I would for an actual business/ client. The main aspects that my old site was lacking were a solid brand and recognizable visual language, as well as boring colors, inconsistent fonts, and an inconvenient user interface. By re-doing these pieces, I hope to show why UX design exists and how optimizing these user features is important to product success. I will focus on creating a strong brand identity, and keeping the design simple yet effective, prioritizing usability and accessibility while preserving the company/ brand’s style.
