Daily Create #TDC3695

For this week’s daily create it was assigned to find a collection of books, and arrange them in such an order that the bindings/ titles create a poem of some sort. I thought this would be a fun creative exercise but actually don’t really have any physical books on campus! Therefore, the picture taken above was actually a creation by my mom and dad back home, and they were super happy to help with this creation. Technically it never says anything against it in the prompt, and my hands were kind of tied with this being the last day available ( besides the due date ) to start and complete a daily create post. I think that this exercise was a great opportunity to express creativity with parameters, like having a certain requirement to be met instead of just aimlessly creating. I would relate this assignment to creating a commissioned creative work for a client – say a logo or poster – where they give you specific parameters to follow and your own creative freedom. The goal was to create a poem, but we could only use the bindings of books and make it work. I did think about running to the library to complete this daily create but ended up running out of time because I have a later class and wanted to get this done! Nevertheless, I think that this daily create exercises was a great idea on the parts of the DS106 team, and am excited to see what’s next in-store.

