Journal #4

QCQ 1 on: Moramraco Speculations

” The idea that poetry and painting exist in separate domains with clearly delineated
boundaries has been under attack throughout the century by both poets and painters
seeking to extend the limits of both arts. “

I think that this quote is extremely relevant in history and today, showing the interplay between two prevalent creative mediums. This idea that each art form is separated by boundaries is in my opinion outdated and inaccurate — as many forms of art have included others for generations (plays including painting, music including poetry, etc. In some cases, I believe that most mediums work better when paired up with a complementary medium to further a message or theme. This is especially efficient when it comes to the painting “Mourning Picture” and the poem of the same name that accompanies it by Adrienne Rich.

QCQ 2 on: Mourning Picture by Adrienne Rich

” Out of my head, half-bursting, still filling, the dream condenses – shadows, crystals, ceilings, meadows, globes of dew. “

This quote in my opinion is an example of why and how combining different media can be efficient and in some cases improve the original work. For example, on its own, “Mourning Picture” as a painting is mysterious, but not riveting – lacking story – and riddled with technical errors having to do with shadow, medium, and composition. The truth is some of it just doesn’t make sense. I didn’t enjoy this painting very much until the poem by Adrienne Rich was introduced. The poem adds a rich story to answer the viewers questions about the painting, and creates a tragic undertone to the melodramatic piece. This example challenges the tradition view mentioned above, exhibiting the allure and purpose of combining these mediums to improve art, poetry, and writing.

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