Blog Post 4/20/2022 – Recap & Directory


Today marks our last blog post relating to food for CMM 240. It’s been a fun journey to explore my hobby of cooking for credit, however, all good things must come to an end. In this shorter post, I will recap what we have gone over during the past 10 or so weeks and create a directory to organize and link posts so you don’t have to scroll back in time! I’ve loved this journey and am happy to have had the experience of blogging about something I care so much about. Thanks so much to those of you who have stuck around!

Unit 1 – Pasta

Unit 1 covered posts specifically focusing on Italian pastas, and how to make different varieties from scratch. The first post is mainly explaining some history of pasta and how to make a basic dough.. Second shows some noodle types and how to cook them, while the final post goes over adding variety and flavor to your pasta with different techniques/ recipes. Below I will hyperlink all specific posts from our first unit!

  1. Dough and Information
  2. Noodles and Cooking
  3. Spicing it Up

Unit 2 – Sushi

Unit 2 was on our second favorite savory global food, sushi! We focus on mainly maki rolling, but also some sashimi and sushi variations. The first post is on sushi information, and contains a recipe on a simple staple sushi rice. Second is a more in depth dive into ingredients and fish types used for sushi commonly. Lastly, our final post wraps up the unit (literally) by going over combining all of our discussed ingredients to create an actual maki roll, highlighting technique and process. Below I will hyperlink all specific posts from our second unit!

  1. Sushi Introduction
  2. Fish and Ingredients
  3. Rolling Technique

Unit 3 – Desserts

Unit 3 was interesting and different because instead of focusing on one food for 3 posts it focuses on 1 food genre and 3 different food types. I thought it would be fitting to end the blog with a dessert unit, so posts 2, 3, and 4 are on cheesecake, macarons, and mochi (post 1 being purely informational. Each post contains a recipe from a food magazine that I thoroughly enjoy with slightly tweaked ingredients to make them more attainable. I always include the article linked at the bottom incase folks want to follow the recipe(s) exactly. Below I will hyperlink all specific posts from our third and final unit!

  1. Dessert Introduction
  2. Cheesecake Recipe
  3. Macaron Recipe
  4. Mochi Recipe

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